Political Experience

Liberal Democrat Member of Parliament for Twickenham since 1997, Vincent Cable is the Liberal Democrat Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer and speaks for his party on issues of Finance, European Economic and Monetary Union and the City.

Economics and Finance

Special Advisor to Secretary of State for Trade (John Smith) in 1979. Written several books on Trade Policy and International Finance. Recently published an in depth study of international telecommunications: ‘Global Superhighways’. In 1999 published a major book on ‘Globalisation and Global Governance’ for Chatham House and Brookings


Drafted the report for Commonwealth Prime-Ministers’ Conference on climate change and ‘greenhouse effect’. Helped prepare the report of the World Commission for the Environment with Mrs Brundtland (Prime Minister of Norway) and Mr Ramphal.

Development & Foreign Affairs

Prepared background report to 1995 ‘Britain in the World’ Conference. Helped prepare major report on international institutions with Ingmaar Carlsson (Prime Minister of Sweden)

Professional experience


Political positions held include:

He is Chair of:

Vice Chair of:

Member of: