A note from Rachel (5 Talents) to the Biz Club

A huge thank you for hosting us at your Biz Club lunch on Friday! We really enjoyed the occasion and the opportunity to meet and chat with you all. We could tell you are a business club from the excellent quality of your questions and observations afterwards!

If there are any outstanding questions you didn’t have time to ask, please do feel free to contact either of us, any time, at kris.coppock@fivetalents.org.uk or rachel.lindley@fivetalents.org.uk.

We’ve also been asked how people can get involved and help. Thank you! There are several ways to do this:

  • Making a financial gift; the easiest way to do that is via our website here, but we can also share our bank details if you prefer. Please do complete the Gift Aid declaration if you are eligible too. If you would like to chat further before making a gift, to explore more about what exactly it would support and the impact your generosity could have, do simply drop us a line. We always want to make sure your giving gives you joy so we’re very happy to share with you more about the different specific projects or causes you could support.

  • Signing up to join our mailing list so that you can hear about future events and impact stories and data
  • Tell somebody else about Five Talents! We have a dedicated ‘advocate’ programme – let us know if that is of interest, but it can be as simple as following us on LinkedIn, or sharing our introduction video or Impact Report with a friend.
  • If you are a person of faith, please do pray for our work too. You can join our prayer network here.

Finally, we mentioned the possibility of joining a Five Talents trip; we’d love to take you to meet entrepreneurs in rural eastern Africa face to face and see first-hand how literacy, business skills training and community savings lives can transform families, local economies and communities. Find out more from Amy and Bob, who have visited our projects several times, or by contacting us via email at amy.lecoz@hotmail.com

We look forward to hearing from you and continuing the journey together!

With our best wishes,

Rachel, Kris and all the team at Five Talents